In this post I needed to describe the advantages and disadvantages of some services for creating tests, but I will not :) I liked working with all of them and I hope that I will also have the opportunity to use such services as Kahoot!, Poll Everywhere, Quizalize, PlayPosit in future.
1). Google Forms
2). Twitter
3). Socrative
Join the room NAZAROVA
In this post I needed to describe the advantages and disadvantages of some services for creating tests, but I will not :) I liked working with all of them and I hope that I will also have the opportunity to use such services as Kahoot!, Poll Everywhere, Quizalize, PlayPosit in future.
1). Google Forms
2). Twitter
Разумно ли создавать новый акк в твиттере, чтобы сделать опрос для CALL?— Ann (@AnnNazarova1110) 23 октября 2017 г.
3). Socrative
Join the room NAZAROVA
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